Browsing Year C

The Poor Man’s Lamb (or, how power and injustice make cozy bedfellows)
Lectionary Reflection for June 13, 2010
Third Sunday after Pentecost
This week’s lessons flow with a strong undercurrent that considers the relationship between power and injustice. Fortunately for us, Jesus models a different use of power.

The Many Faces of Mercy
Lectionary Reflection for Sunday, June 6, 2010
Second Sunday after Pentecost Year C
How about taking a slightly different approach to this week’s texts? Consider as the key point that God does provide and mercy has a face–yours.

The Divine Ensemble
Trinity Sunday, Year C
Finding an image to communicate the mystery of the Holy Trinity is a daunting task, and one that will never yield a perfect result. However, this writer gives it one more stab, borrowing an image from the actor’s toolkit.
What Does this Mean, this whole Pentecost Thing?
Lectionary Reflection for May 23
Ask your average mainline Christian what Pentecost is all about, and you’re likely to hear everything from “I don’t know” to “We all wear red.” Worship leaders, preachers, and Christian educators should give careful thought to this important day.