Browsing Children

10 Children’s Books that Inspire Simplicity
In this season of gift-giving (often to excess!), why not give children on your list a book that will help inspire simplicity and teach stewardship. Here are 10 suggestions to consider. (Photo: San Jose Library, Creative Commons)

Make Useful Gifts for Giving!
Tired of giving and getting yet another tie, fruitcake, or dust-catching gift? Try making some of these easy and useful gifts! There’s something for all ages and ability levels. (Photo: Muffett, Creative Commons)

Reconnecting to the Natural World
Richard Louv coined the term “nature deficit disorder” to explain the effects of being disconnected from the natural world. In his new book, Vitamin N, he offer 500 actions people can take to improve their quality of life and their communities. How can our congregations encourage more connection with creation? It’s good stewardship of creation […]

Stewardship Lessons for Teens
Here are two free stewardship Bible studies for teens: “More than Enough” and “The Truth about Money” from the ecumenical website (Photo: 401 (K) 2013, Creative Commons)

Research Shows Children Benefit from Gratitude
Gratitude does make a difference! Check out this recent article by Diana Kapp in The Wall Street Journal. (Photo: USAG-Humphreys, Creative Commons)

Three Simple Actions: Modeling Stewardship for ‘Tweens
Chris McKenna, Director of Middle School Ministry at Cornerstone United Methodist Church in Caledonia, Michigan, shares three simple actions to help ‘tweens become better stewards of God’s gifts. (Photo: Jose Kevo, Creative Commons)

Teaching Children to be Generous
Here’s an article from the Wall Street Journal that offers good tips for parents in any income bracket who want help their children become generous stewards of time, talent, and resources. (Photo: © Jaren Wicklund –

A Gift of God
Here’s a complete four session stewardship curriculum for children in grades one through three produced by the Greek Orthodox Church. The 18 page downloadable PDF document provides teacher resources, handouts for children, and a craft idea. (Photo © Jose Manuel Gelpi –

Evaluating Financial Parenting Skills
Check out Trent Hamm’s thoughts on raising financially-fit children, along with a book recommendation to help with the process. Trent has many good financial posts on his website Click here! (Photo by Howard County Library System. Thanks!)