Browsing Teach

‘Proverbs’ Has a Lot to Say About Money

No wonder Proverbs is considered one of the Hebrew Bible’s wisdom books — it has so many commonsense teachings about so many topics including money! Jana Riess, a columnist for Religion News Service, discovered five key teachings.  (Photo by bhsher, used by Creative Commons license)

Stewardship 101

This handy four-page PDF outlines the basic concepts involved in stewardship that confront Christians and congregations in North America, including hyper consumerism, idolatry, discipleship and commitment. Good for anyone trying to steer a godly course in our culture.

Sunday School Lessons: God’s Earth, Our Home

This guide outlines Sunday school classes about for children, youth and adults about caring for God’s creation and how we can help conserve natural resources through lifestyle changes. Designed by the New Community Project for a broad faith audience, they can be adapted for your context.

Developing a Theology of Stewardship

Clear thinking and sound assumptions are musts in order to foster a climate of generosity in your congregation. This brief article from the United Methodist Church will help you head down the right road. (Photo by ThrasherDave, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)

The Scary Truth about Christian Giving

The Bible gives a two-sided portrayal of wealth: It is good, but it can seduce us into sin. The solution, according to New Testament scholar Craig L. Blomberg, is to freely share it. In Christians in an Age of Wealth: A Biblical Theology of Stewardship (Zondervan), Blomberg, who teaches at Denver Seminary, argues that sacrificial giving is an essential part of good stewardship. He spoke with CT editor at large Rob Moll about our spending patterns and whether Christians are required to tithe. (Photo (c) Luke Peterson, used by Creative Commons license)

Living Wi$ely

Living Wi$ely is a personal finance and budget counseling ministry that helps participants explore basic concepts of 1) creating and living within a budget; 2) saving, giving and getting out of debt; 3) biblical principles and spiritual issue of money. It is designed to be offered weekly for four weeks. The free online materials include the Financial Workshop Manual and a PowerPoint presentation for each of the four sessions. (Photo (c) Ariel Grimm, ShareAlike License)

Stewardship Devotional for Lent

Here is a really wonderful 49-page Lenten devotional that will enable you to explore important themes of stewardship through daily Scripture readings, prayer and reflection. It’s free! Written by Rev. Russell McDowell for 2012, the ideas are still fresh (although you’ll have to adjust the dates). (Photo © robhainer –

Stewardship Lessons for Teens

Here are two free stewardship Bible studies for teens: “More than Enough” and “The Truth about Money” from the ecumenical website (Photo: 401 (K) 2013, Creative Commons)

Stewardship in the Gospel of Mark

Perfect for your small-group ministry or Christian education class, an 11-minute video and study guide that explores the subject of stewardship as seen in the Gospel of Mark. Good stuff fro the Center for Faith and Giving (Disciples of Christ). (Photo by Alvanman, used by Creative Commons license)

5 Money Rules from Proverbs

RNS blogger Jana Riess has been thinking lately about what the Bible has to say about money, particularly in the advice-filled Book of Proverbs. What does the Book of Proverbs have to say about money, generosity, and wealth? Quite a bit, actually. (Photo by 401(K) 2012 Used by Creative Commons license)