Browsing Theology & Bible

Four Gospels, One Way to Live
Here’s a free online course on biblical stewardship that you can really sink your teeth into. “Four Gospels” pays attention to the stewardship-of-life underpinnings of the four Gospels as it provides a scholarly overview. From Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg.

Free Ebook: A Theology for Christian Stewardship
When the concept of stewardship is developed in its total New Testament context it implies even more than trusteeship and responsibility. It contains the idea of partnership. The relation between master and servant gives way to the relation between friends.(Download a free PDF of this classic stewardship treatise from LCMS’ FaithAflame website.)

From Anxiety and Greed to Milk and Honey
So far as I know, the Bible says nothing explicit about subprime loans and the financial implications of such risky economic practice. There is a great deal, nonetheless, that the Bible has to say about such a crisis as we now face. I will comment in turn on a biblical perspective of an analysis of the crisis and a biblical perspective for an alternative economic practice. [Written in 2009, this prophetic article in Sojourners still speaks to our time.] (Photo by Glenn Thomas Hvidsten, used by Creative Commons license.)

Climate Change Curriculum for Churches
Climate change is a confusing topic, not to mention a terrifying one. It often feels more about problems than solutions, which makes it easy to push to the sidelines as “something scientists can deal with.†This free, six-lesson course prepared by the UU United Nations Office aims to give participants a solid understanding of the facts behind climate change, an appreciation of the earth, and tools to find solutions on a range of scales. (Photo by Takver, used by Creative Commons license)

Book Review: Charity
In his 2013 book “Charity: The Place of the Poor in the Biblical Tradition,” University of Notre Dame theologian Gary A. Anderson challenges Protestants to take seriously the biblical commands—and promises—about giving to those in need, according to this review from (Photo by Ed Yourdon, used by Creative Commons license)

Lesson: Stewardship in Paul’s Writings
Here is a complete Christian education lesson, including a video link. Paul is very focused on partnerships and how the stewardship of the values of the Rule of God are made concrete in relationships that transform individuals and communities. From the Center for Faith and Giving. (Photo by Bobosh_T, used by Creative Commons license)

Catholics, the Environment and Our Culture of Waste
Pope Francis has generated headlines with his outspoken comments on the dangers of consumerism and threats to our environment, but his thoughts follow other Pontiffs who have raised concerns, says this insightful article from the Catholic World Report.  (Photo © Keller,

‘Proverbs’ Has a Lot to Say About Money
No wonder Proverbs is considered one of the Hebrew Bible’s wisdom books — it has so many commonsense teachings about so many topics including money! Jana Riess, a columnist for Religion News Service, discovered five key teachings. (Photo by bhsher, used by Creative Commons license)

Developing a Theology of Stewardship
Clear thinking and sound assumptions are musts in order to foster a climate of generosity in your congregation. This brief article from the United Methodist Church will help you head down the right road. (Photo by ThrasherDave, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)

The Scary Truth about Christian Giving
The Bible gives a two-sided portrayal of wealth: It is good, but it can seduce us into sin. The solution, according to New Testament scholar Craig L. Blomberg, is to freely share it. In Christians in an Age of Wealth: A Biblical Theology of Stewardship (Zondervan), Blomberg, who teaches at Denver Seminary, argues that sacrificial giving is an essential part of good stewardship. He spoke with CT editor at large Rob Moll about our spending patterns and whether Christians are required to tithe. (Photo (c) Luke Peterson, used by Creative Commons license)