Browsing Theology & Bible

Stewardship Devotional for Lent
Here is a really wonderful 49-page Lenten devotional that will enable you to explore important themes of stewardship through daily Scripture readings, prayer and reflection. It’s free! Written by Rev. Russell McDowell for 2012, the ideas are still fresh (although you’ll have to adjust the dates). (Photo © robhainer –

Stewardship in the Gospel of Mark
Perfect for your small-group ministry or Christian education class, an 11-minute video and study guide that explores the subject of stewardship as seen in the Gospel of Mark. Good stuff fro the Center for Faith and Giving (Disciples of Christ). (Photo by Alvanman, used by Creative Commons license)

5 Money Rules from Proverbs
RNS blogger Jana Riess has been thinking lately about what the Bible has to say about money, particularly in the advice-filled Book of Proverbs. What does the Book of Proverbs have to say about money, generosity, and wealth? Quite a bit, actually. (Photo by 401(K) 2012 Used by Creative Commons license)

“Created to Give, Tempted to Keep”
Adam Hamilton, pastor and author, reflects on how we are hardwired by God to be generous but fall prey to the voices of fear and self-gratification. Click here for more. Click here to learn about Hamilton’s book Enough. (Photo: Liz West, Creative Commons)

Exploring Stewardship in the Bible
“What is Christian giving? The Bible helps us to answer this question,” begins a 10-page PDF that looks at Scripture to illuminate important aspects of stewardship — Gifts from God, Giving Time, Giving Talent, and Giving Money. A nice primer from the Church of Scotland.

Six Stewardship Words to Live By
Looking for a way to teach biblical stewardship in your congregation? This handy six-part series offers a study guide on important stewardship concepts — live, gather, connect, serve, give and multiply. Includes Bible references and teaching instructions. (Photo © Vibe Images –

Stewardship Bible Studies: Best of the Old Testament
Today’s sermon is a Bible study. You have brought your Bibles today and we are going to study them to see what the Bible has to say about stewardship. We are people of the Word. The Word is our spiritual guide for so many of our beliefs and values. We consistently look to the Word for guidance.

Stewardship Vision
James Murdoch examines through a theological lens what it means to be a faithful disciple of Christ and a good steward and challenges other Christians to do the same. Peruse the full text of his e-book Stewardship: A Way of Life for People and Churches at no cost or download for Christian education or church leadership retreats. (Photo by Alicia-Lee-07 used under a Creative Commons License. Thanks!)