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Preparing the Way in Process
Narrative Lectionary Reflection, Year 3, January 8, 2017
We are people in process. That process begins at baptism, when we are named and claimed as beloved children of God, but it certainly doesn’t end there. We walk wet in this world to prepare the way, proclaim the good news, and live as faithful folk. (Photo: Joe Mabel, Creative Commons)

Disposing of Waste Responsibly
4.4 pounds of trash per day? Yes, that’s the amount an average person throws away. In addition to reducing that amount, disposing responsibly matters. Here are some suggestions. (Photo: Grant Hutchins, Creative Commons)

Should A Pastor Know Who Gives What?
It’s an issue for intense debate across congregations: Shoud a pastor know how much members give? Although other measures of commitment and vitality are readily apparent — attendance, participation in church events and educational offerings — giving is not. Shoud it be? Nathan Early of Horizons Stewardship explores. (Photo © Michael Nivelet –

Stewardship Grants Deadline Nears
The deadline is looming — March 15 — for applications in the latest funding round of the Stewardship of Life Institute’s grant program. SOLI grants provide money to help plan and implement projects to advance stewardship in the ELCA. Applications are submitted online. See details inside! (Photo by FrankieLeon, used by Creative Commons license.)

Stewardship Prayers
You’ll find wonderful, thoughtful prayers for any kind of stewardship occasion, thanks to the Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane in Australia. (Photo © JcJg Photography –

FAQ about Capital Campaigns
So your finance committee suggests a capital campaign and you want to make sure everybody is on the same page on what that’s all about? This FAQ from the Georgia United Methodist Foundation. (Photo by Stephen Yeargin, used by Creative Commons license)

Transparency, Trust & Treasure
A recent study suggests that American Christians don’t give away more money because they lack trust in the church. In response, here are 36 questions your church should be able to answer about money. Good policy builds trust and creates an environment for generosity to flourish. (Photo by Mark Willylis, used by Creative Commons license)

Thoughts on One Thing and All Things
Lectionary Reflection for the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
July 18, 2010
This week’s lessons from Luke’s gospel and Colossians encourage the reader to consider the importance of “the one thing” and “all things.” Not surprisingly both “things” are found in Jesus Christ.

And be thankful!
By Clint Schroeder
And, if we are indeed thankful, then surely a manifestation of that gratitude will be a generous sharing of the love and blessings we have received from a gracious God.