
Interdependence Day
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, July 3, 2016
Even though our national holidays are certainly worth celebrating and the abundance and bounty of this land worth giving thanks for, we must never forget that celebrating our interdependence in Christ is far more important. (Photo: jqpubliq, Creative Commons)

The Water Cure
Narrative Lectionary Reflection for November 2, 2014 (Year One)
What will it take, I wonder, for us to be pursuaded—as Naaman—to wash in the waters of baptism daily, to die to sin regularly, and to rise to newness of life clean and whole? Can we listen to the voices of the saints who have gone before us and who have lived lives of faith in specific times and contexts? Can we hear and live into the old, old story in a new time? (Photo: J>ro, Creative Commons)