
Abiding with the Advocate

Day of Pentecost, Year C, May 15, 2016
We may not have visible tongues of fire hover over our heads, we may not experience a wild and woolly Pentecost, but as the church of Christ in this time and in a particular place, we will have occasion to experience renewal and rebirth. (Photo: Pedro, Creative Commons)

Come Holy Spirit! Really?

Lectionary Reflection for the Day of Pentecost, Year B, May 24, 2015
Are you really ready to day “Come, Holy Spirit” on this Day of Pentecost? Are you prepared for the power and promise inherent in this gift? In these unsettled times we do need the Advocate with us. Just be prepared for a wild, wonderful ride. (Photo: Waiting for the Word, Creative Commons)

Seeing Red: Word, Wind, and Fire

Lectionary Reflection for the Day of Pentecost, Year A June 8, 2014 When the day of Pentecost had come they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Acts 2:1-2 Go ahead! […]


This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost, when we hear the story of the early disciples gathered in Jerusalem, and God’s kindling of Spirit fire in their lives. Don’t let people think it’s something God did only once, oh-so-long ago. God continues to ignite flames of faith and passion in our midst today. (Photo by Matthew Venn, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)

Love Spoken Here

Day of Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, May 27, 2012
What languages are spoken in your community of faith? Most importantly, is the language of love infused in every song, every sermon, every handshake and hug? Is love woven into the fibers of ministry and the mission of all disciples? Is love the last word in all you say and do in the name of Jesus? (Photo by Denise Krebs used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Go, Church!

Pentecost, Year A, June 12, 2011
Does Pentecost rank in its proper place among the “big three” Christian festivals in your context? If not, maybe it’s time to rethink the approach to this important day. (Photo by andycoan used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)