
Stewards of the Promise (Part One)
Lectionary Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year A
May 11, 2014
Yes, Jesus is the Good Shepherd, but why not use this Sunday to begin a three-part series on stewardship? We are called to steward the promises of God, yet too often our stewardship focuses too much on money and not enough on our role as active participants in ushering in God’s reign and the life abundant. (Photo: fady habib, Creative Commons)

…With Glad and Generous Hearts
4th Sunday of Easter, Year A, May 15, 2011
How’s your faith community doing in terms of joy and generosity? Why not use this Sunday’s texts to challenge them to look with fresh eyes at how your congregation rates in terms of having glad and generous hearts? (Photo by purplbutrfly used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)