
Advent Stewardship
Advent can be a fruitful season for stewardship. Can you fold stewardship into your special Advent education or worship opportunities? From the International Catholic Stewardship Council. (Photo: Christopher Bulle, Creative Commons)

Stewards of Joy
Lectionary Reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent, Year C, December 13, 2015
This third Sunday of Advent brings us to the turning point, reminding us to remember from whence our help comes, to turn from that which separates us from God, and feast on a heaping helping of hope and joy. (Photo: Dmitry Kichenko, Creative Commons)

A Matter of Distribution
Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday of Advent, Year C, December 6, 2015
As stewards of God’s abundance we can choose to do a “new†thing, or at least a different thing during the season of Advent. What if we looked at the road ahead, the days that stand between us and Christmas, as a time to let go of something, to share something, to live more simply, to choose to do less and live more? (Photo: BrunoBrunan, Creative Commons)

In Case You Had Any Questions…
Narrative Lectionary Reflection for December 14, 2014 (Year One) Third Sunday of Advent
Sometimes we just need to lift our eyes, open our ears, and tear away those protective layers in which we wrap our hearts in order to hear a word of hope. Read this week’s lesson again. Read it out loud. Read it again and again until the words fill the broken and bruised parts of you. Fill yourself with he good news that God is God and is always doing something new. (Photo: Lau Lau Chan, Creative Commons)

Stewards of Advent Time: Awake
First Sunday of Advent, Year B, November 30, 2014
It’s Advent again. What’s a Christian to do? We wait, we hope, we sin, we mess up: wash, rinse, repeat. According to Jesus in Mark’s gospel this week, we must remain awake and be fully present and attentive every day. (Photo: Alan Turkus, Creative Commons)

Life is a Highway
Lectionary Reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent, Yr A
December 15, 2013
If life is a highway, then one would do well to travel the hopeful route described in this week’s lesson from isaiah. Maybe now, as Christmas draws ever closer, we need to hear this message of hope. (Photo: Matt McGee, Creative Commons)

Expecting the Unexpected
Lectionary Reflection, First Sunday of Advent, Year A December 1, 2013 Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour. — Matthew 24:44 What do you expect of this season? What does Advent mean to you? Is it a time of waiting and watching for glimpses of […]

Hope, Peace, Joy and Love
Advent is the time of waiting, but what are we usually waiting for? For presents? Parties? Santa Claus? Winter vacation from school? Travel to Grandma’s house? Dinner with family? The after-Christmas sales? The answer is yes, and no. (Image © Elena Schweitzer –

Life beyond the Usual
Lectionary Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 18, 2011
If anything is possible with God, why do we have such a hard time believing it and embodying God to our world? (Photo by NASA used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Time to Lighten Up!
Lectionary Reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent
December 11, 2011
Now that we’ve swept clean the corners of our heart and mind, this Sunday invites us to fill our souls with light, rejoicing in the knowledge that the Light of Christ is coming into the world and we can point others to it. (Photo by cupcakes2 used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)