
Best Stewardship Practices
Here’s a concise, no-nonsense, easy-to-understand presentation of what works best when it comes to stewardship in the congregation. It’s a great thumbnail guide for your finance or stewardship team. Excellent stuff, from the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia, Washington.

Everyday Stewardship Practices
Stewardship is a means of showing gratitude for all that we have in our lives. Each of us has something that we can be grateful for. As a way of life stewardship calls all of us to action. Here is a handy guide from the Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane, Australia. (Photo © JcJg Photography – […]

Pledging: Model Intentional Giving
In interviews with congregations in a variety of settings, we discovered that the most effective stewardship formation occurs in the context of worship, in open and frank discussions about money, faith and giving, and in the ability to help people understand how their giving funds the various ministries of the church, including social outreach. Read our findings. (Photo © ashumskiy –

‘Best Stewardship Practices’ Presentation
What are the key points to emphasize about congregational stewardship? This handy PowerPoint presentation covers the ground handily from a Lutheran perspective, but is easily adaptable for any context. Posted on the website of the Metropolitan D.C. Synod of the ELCA.