
Four Gospels, One Way to Live
Here’s a free online course on biblical stewardship that you can really sink your teeth into. “Four Gospels” pays attention to the stewardship-of-life underpinnings of the four Gospels as it provides a scholarly overview. From Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg.

Bible Study: Abundance & Generosity
Give your congregation a thorough grounding on what the Bible says about generosity and abundance. This free, eight-page Bible study from the United Church of Christ highlights verses from the Old and New Testaments. Suitable for one or more sessions.

Stewardship in the Gospel of Matthew
Perfect for your small-group ministry or Christian education class, a video and study guide that explores how Matthew’s gospel handles the issue of stewardship. Very challenging material from the Center for Faith and Giving (Disciples of Christ). (Photo © Vibe Images –

Exploring Stewardship in the Bible
“What is Christian giving? The Bible helps us to answer this question,” begins a 10-page PDF that looks at Scripture to illuminate important aspects of stewardship — Gifts from God, Giving Time, Giving Talent, and Giving Money. A nice primer from the Church of Scotland.

The Hows and Whys of Money Leadership
Here’s a free, seven-part curriculum for leaders who want to plumb the depths of their congregation’s financial soul.

Two Questions — Two Incredible Answers
The Rev. George Haynes
Are we allowed to do with our possessions what we want? And what belongs to us, and what belongs to God, anyway? When you look at the biblical witness, the answers are astounding.

Consumerism Study Guides and Lesson Plans
Consumerism is arguably the dominant cultural force in the United States, but our Christian faith challenges consumerism’s assumptions. Here are six study guides — on topics ranging from “Stuff Love,” “Mastering Mammon” and “Discovering Your True Identity” — to help you explore. (Photo by Pandah, used by Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Taking Stock: Your Faith Life?
When you have more time than money, take stock of your faith life. If you find a disconnect that’s as dingy as gray laundry, try incorporating prayer, study of scripture, and community into your regular routine. Read on for the details.
Zacchaeus, Patron Saint for Stewards
When Zacchaeus encountered Jesus, he did not promise to read scripture more faithfully nor to attend the synagogue more regularly. On this occasion he was not pledging his time or his talent to the programmatic mission of the faith community. Worthy as those are — and necessary for the life of the people of God — this visit was about something else.