
More than tipping — tithing!
By The Rev. Roy Roderick
Although followers of Christ are not to expect thanks for sharing the Good News entrusted to them, this does not mean that no gratitude is necessary in religion. For faith, ingratitude is a tragedy. As King Lear said in the day of his own tragedy, “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child.” So many never even give to God a grace before a meal, but feel compelled to offer a tip to the server afterwards.

So Tell Me, Do You Love Jesus?
In this week’s assigned Gospel reading, Jesus asked Peter three times if Peter loved him. Jesus’s responses to Peter’s affirmations tell a lot about the path of discipleship Jesus asks us to walk.

Concerning Fear, Doubt and Belief
Christianity loses much whenever we who claim Christ are afraid to live in the tension of those details concerning our faith that remain in painted in broad strokes of varying shades of gray. I hear my Lord saying that it is okay not to have all the answers.

Dawn of the Resurrected Dead
Why think of a 1970s horror film at Easter? We need to take a close look at how we script this story, especially for those who haven’t experienced the radical love and grace of our amazing God.

Casting Call for Passion/Palm Sunday & Holy Week
The story of Christ’s passion is compelling, but all too often we hear it as just that—a story told on the Sunday before Easter, a mere blip on life’s radar screen somewhere between the hosannas and the Easter lamb with mint jelly. This year, make a dramatic improvement.
Make Mine Plain, Please
Oh my! How we long for everything in life to be made plain to us. Not very many people I know actually enjoy living in the tension of ambiguity and the unknown or unseen. Most folks prefer a world of clear blacks and whites to mottled grays and muddy waters. Unfortunately, we often like our theology like that, too