
Budget for Growth in Your Church
Recently a Senior Pastor friend of mine attempting to lead his church of 180 in growth asked if I had any thoughts I could share with his governing board about crafting an effective budget for their church. I have plenty. Many churches are stuck because they look at budgeting all the wrong way. Here are some ideas. (Photo:, Creative Commons)

Budgeting 101
If you want to begin to budget but don’t know where to begin, this PowerPoint presentation is for you! Posted on Vanderbilt Divinity School’s website, it guides you though the steps you need to rein in your household finances! (Photo by Ken Teegardin, used by Creative Commons license)

A Budget Your Family Can Live With
It’s important to plan for how you’ll allocate your financial resources for each month of the year. This process, commonly known as a budget or spending plan, won’t take long to develop but will pay great rewards throughout the year. This article, posted on LifeWay, can help you budget. (Photo by Chris Potter, used by […]

10 Steps to Financial Freedom
For too many of God’s people, financial stress comes because they’ve fallen into the bad money habits that our culture encourages. Here’s a practical Top-10 List of things you can do right now to get started on the path to financial freedom. From HomeLife, by way of Lifeway. (Photo © Nelos –

Create a Sound Congregational Budget
Creating a sound budget is the result of two ongoing disciplines: clear visioning, discernment and articulation of your congregation’s mission and ministry; and routine, year-round internal monitoring of financial results and regular reporting within the vestry and to your congregation on its financial status. This article, from the Episcopal Church Foundation, tells you how to […]

Personal Finance Basics
From Kiplinger’s, the financial magazine, here is a page with good resources on how to get your household finances in shape. Just about every topic is covered, from getting out of debt to buying a car. (Photo by, used by Creative Commons license)

Church Treasurer Handbook
Want to know some best practices for handling church finances? How about the three phases of budget planning, as well as different types of church budgets? These and other matters are covered in the “Handbook for Treasurers,” Disciples of Christ congregations, but whose commonsense advice is useful to any congregation. (Photo © Elena Schweitzer – […]