
FAQ about Capital Campaigns
So your finance committee suggests a capital campaign and you want to make sure everybody is on the same page on what that’s all about? This FAQ from the Georgia United Methodist Foundation. (Photo by Stephen Yeargin, used by Creative Commons license)

Spiritual Vitality and Stewardship
Check out the September 2013 issue of the Episcopal Church Foundation’s Vital Practices Vestry Papers “Wholehearted Stewardship.” Be sure to read Fr. Bill Nesbit’s article “Spiritual Vitality.”

11 Steps to Stewardship Success
The first step gets you started in the right direction: DREAM BIG! The rest keep you going towards your goals. Solid suggestions, written with a little bit of fun and life, from the United Church of Christ. (Photo by Gynane via BigStockPhoto)

Basics for a Year-Round Ministry of Stewardship
Sadly, for many churches stewardship campaign planning begins after Labor Day. A good stewardship ministry is a year-round effort. This free 16-page guide helps clarify ideas and misconceptions about stewardship as it provides a framework for planning a year-round stewardship campaign. (Flickr imge by alancleaver_2000, used by Creative Commons license)

Resources for Talking about Money
The Rocket Company offers several free stewardship and preaching resources for pastors including webinars and downloadable documents. Click here to access them. Click here to access their free e-book 39 Things Pastors Need to Know about Money. Photo by Robert Huffstutter. Thanks!

Characteristics of an Excellent Stewardship Program
The Rev. Terry Parsons served as the Stewardship Director for the Episcopal Church from 1996-2008. She died in October 2012.

The Positives of Pledging
By Clint Schroeder In my 30-plus years of being involved in stewardship programming across the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean, I have heard a lot of comments about pledging. Many were negative. Let me proclaim the positives of pledging: Pledging is spiritual Pledging is discipline Pledging is practical Giving the first fruits […]

Stewardship University
Here is a nice assortment of stewardship materials to equip and educate your congregation for a pledge campaign. It includes sample documents, PowerPoint Presentations and promotional materials. From the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona. (Photo by JOnBon, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)

‘Follow Your Heart’ Stewardship Program
Worried that “stewardship season” is fast approaching and you don’t know what to do? Here’s an annual appeal that Faith Lutheran Church, Fargo, ND, is sharing with everyone. Access everything from letters to members to brochures that you can customize for your own congregation. (Photo by HolgerE, used under Creative Commons license. Thanks!)

Stewardship, Faith and Life
By Duane Engelhardt
I believe that the church can be a relevant force in the life of our members by proclaiming a significantly broader interpretation of stewardship. This interpretation can be a meaningful model to vitalize the lives of our members and to grow in our faith. We are called to be good stewards of the Gospel and to proclaim the risen Christ.