
Does Your Church Lack Financial Cred?
A study suggests that the number one reason American Christians don’t give away more money is due to a lack of trust in the in church. To respond to that, here are thirty-six questions your church should be able to answer about money. Good policy builds trust and creates an environment for generosity to flourish. […]

Changing Your Stewardship Culture
Most of our congregations function with a single team of people who are responsible for all conversations, leadership, implementation, and oversight about everything financial. This is a mistake. Here are some tips on how to do better, from the Center for Faith & Giving. (Photo by d-olwen-dee, used by Creative Commons license)

Why Money Has Stopped Going to Church
People are giving money to organizations and causes that they believe in and that know how to ask properly. Unfortunately, that is frequently not the Christian church. We have a lot to learn from fundraising-savvy organizations, such as National Public Radio, argues a writer for the Center for Faith and Giving.

Got a Minute? Watch a Stewardship Tip
Here’s a wonderful buffet of brief video segments from the Center for Faith and Giving featuring pastors and stewardship experts discussing various stewardship topics. Watch these yourself, share them with your stewardship team, or use them as congregational giving moments. (Photo: Ed Brambley, Creative Commons)

Lesson: Stewardship in Paul’s Writings
Here is a complete Christian education lesson, including a video link. Paul is very focused on partnerships and how the stewardship of the values of the Rule of God are made concrete in relationships that transform individuals and communities. From the Center for Faith and Giving. (Photo by Bobosh_T, used by Creative Commons license)

Transparency, Trust & Treasure
A recent study suggests that American Christians don’t give away more money because they lack trust in the church. In response, here are 36 questions your church should be able to answer about money. Good policy builds trust and creates an environment for generosity to flourish. (Photo by Mark Willylis, used by Creative Commons license)

Stewardship in the Gospel of Mark
Perfect for your small-group ministry or Christian education class, an 11-minute video and study guide that explores the subject of stewardship as seen in the Gospel of Mark. Good stuff fro the Center for Faith and Giving (Disciples of Christ). (Photo by Alvanman, used by Creative Commons license)

Stewardship in the Gospel of Matthew
Perfect for your small-group ministry or Christian education class, a video and study guide that explores how Matthew’s gospel handles the issue of stewardship. Very challenging material from the Center for Faith and Giving (Disciples of Christ). (Photo © Vibe Images –

Abundant Living – Re-thinking Stewardship
Perfect for “stewardship season,” Here’s a meaty five-session study course that digs into the connection between generous living and a faithful discipleship walk. Included are a study guide and links to video introductions (hosted on YouTube) for each session. The study guide contains suggestions as to how to lead each session and additional resources that you may wish to obtain to encourage further discussion. (Photo by AlicePopkorn, Creative Commons License)

Personal Finance Workshop
Help get your own finances in order, or lead a group in your congregation, with this handy, free four-session workshop on personal finances. The resource will guide your self-study or small-group session. Helpful video, too! From the Disciples of Christ’s Center for Faith and Giving. (Photo © mangostock –