
Talk About Money (when not asking for it)
There is a deep hunger in our culture for honest talk about money and faith. The best wayis to talk about money whenever you can — and not ask for it, argues stewardship writer Grace Duddy Pomroy. From the Center for Stewardship Leaders.

iPad Giving Station Increases Engagement
Cross of Christ Lutheran Church, Roberts, Wis., looked at digitial giving options and decided to go with an iPad giving station. Now 8 percent of its offerings are received that way. Read about their experience. From the Center for Stewardship Leaders at Luther Seminary. (Photo: Creativity 103, Creative Commons)

Pastors and Finance Committees Need Each Other
Pastors need another meeting to attend like a street needs another pothole, but they dare not overlook the finance committee. It’s where some of the key ministry takes place, as one pastor describes in this essay, posted on the website of the Center for Stewardship Leaders at Luther Seminary. (Photo by ThinkPanama, Creative Commons)

People, Passion, and Possibilities
What does it mean to lead a Stewardship Ministry? I have come to understand ithe varied cultures in which we serve. What meets the needs of one church may not meet the needs of another congregation. What works in the culture of a large congregation may not fit into the culture of a smaller congregation. I find three steps to be an effective way for us to design a stewardship ministry.

Living in Abundance Lesson Series
The connection between stewardship and church mission and faith discipleship is pretty clear, but many of God’s people have simply never been taught. This three-lesson package, subtitled “Lessons in Generosity,” was prepared by faculty of Luther Seminary and will help adult learners understand key stewardship concepts. Includes PowerPoint presentations. (Photo by Monado, used by Creative Commons license)

Who Preaches the Stewardship Sermon?
It’s an perennial question that congregations ask — do we get an outside speaker to preach the stewardship sermon? There may be many good reasons why you’d want to get an outsider, but Gerry Rafftery of the Center for Stewardship Leaders at Luther Seminary says there are a lot of reasons why you wouldn’t. (Photo […]

Learning How to be Generous
“As a parish pastor, I often noted that generous people are wired differently than people who have not learned generosity,” begins Glenn Taibl in this week’s e-newsletter from the Center for Stewardship Leaders at Luther Seminary, Check out Glenn’s reflections, as well as the Center’s website.(Photo by danisabella, used by Creative Commons license)

Stewardship Devotional for Lent
Here is a really wonderful 49-page Lenten devotional that will enable you to explore important themes of stewardship through daily Scripture readings, prayer and reflection. It’s free! Written by Rev. Russell McDowell for 2012, the ideas are still fresh (although you’ll have to adjust the dates). (Photo © robhainer –