
Too Busy for Your Own Good?
Before I broke busy in my own life, I proudly wore my busy badge of honor. I was the queen of busy. I even had the tiara and sash to go with it. Busyness made me feel productive and needed, and I overlooked the havoc it was wreaking in my life. But contrary to what many of us have been told, we can’t handle it all, nor should we. So how do we know when we are reaching our limits? (Photo © mtkang –

The Scary Truth about Christian Giving
The Bible gives a two-sided portrayal of wealth: It is good, but it can seduce us into sin. The solution, according to New Testament scholar Craig L. Blomberg, is to freely share it. In Christians in an Age of Wealth: A Biblical Theology of Stewardship (Zondervan), Blomberg, who teaches at Denver Seminary, argues that sacrificial giving is an essential part of good stewardship. He spoke with CT editor at large Rob Moll about our spending patterns and whether Christians are required to tithe. (Photo (c) Luke Peterson, used by Creative Commons license)

Yes, Sometimes You Can Serve God & Mammon
When a church in suburban Minneapolis wanted to use pat of a $2 million windfall for mission, its leaders decided NOT to do the usual thing — cut a fat check to a worthwhile ministry. Instead they used a market-oriented approach that energized the entrepreneurial spirit of community leaders. (Photo by OpenSourceWay, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)