
Here Comes Christmas!

Christmas Eve/Day, Year A
Yes, Christmas comes—ready or not. For an hour or two we share God’s inbreaking into our human condition, hopefully in ways that can be heard but also seen, felt, tasted, and born afresh in each beating heart. Blessings on your preaching and teaching! (Photo: Waiting for the Word)

Let us go now to Bethlehem!

CHRISTMAS EVE, Year A, Dec. 24, 2010
Our job is to go to Bethlehem right here, right now, in whatever context we live and serve and tell the story of the Messiah’s birth. To do so, however, we first must plumb the depths of our own heart and allow Luke’s story to fill us with wonder and hope and awe, just like those first century shepherds. (Photo by allegri used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)