
Clergy at Risk for Depression, Anxiety
Clergy are often relied upon to guide others through difficult times, but a new study has found that the very nature of their work could put them at greater risk of developing depression and anxiety themselves. From the Huffington Post. (Photo by Bottled Void, used by Creative Commons License)

Clergy Health – Our Ministry Together
We need healthy pastors to have a healthy church, but statistics show that clergy need help in this area. Designed for use by pastors and lay leadership, this three-part series seeks to illustrate some of the unique issues clergy face in maintaining and improving their physical, emotional, social, financial, and spiritual wellbeing. Through video and discussion guides, it encourages congregations and pastors to share a ministry of health that benefits everyone. (Photo by Dr. Abdulla Nasar, used by Creative Commons license)

Clergy Learn that Self-care is Not Self-ish
Even with the best intentions and all the knowledge and advice in the world, clergy of all ages often find it difficult to take care of themselves. On the long list of items that must be done every day, they often put self-care last, with unhealthy results for ministry. But churches are increasingly working to encourage and equip their leaders to take better care of themselves.(Photo © Warren Goldswain, Fotolia.)

Self Care is not Self-ish
If you lead and serve in a congregational setting, be sure to read this article about the importance of self-care from Faith & Leadership at Duke Divinity School. (Photo: Miguel Virkkunen Carvalho)

Weight Loss is Ministry’s Gain
A pastor who once weighed over 400 pounds and preached while attached to an oxygen tank lost his weight and energized his congregation’s ministry by asking members to pledge a dollar or two for every pound he lost. That kind of playful innovation is sorely needed because clergy face higher rates of obesity than people in […]

Clergy Health: Who Cares for the Caregivers?
Clergy’s practice of putting others first can be detrimental to their own health, say researchers at Duke University. Pastors have been found to have higher-than-average rates of chronic disease and depression. But it may be difficult to get pastors to seek care because they typically default to caring for others first. (Photo by Doug McCaughan, used […]

Free Will, Free Choice, and the Abundant Life
How would you like to live longer, have more energy and be free of many chronic and painful diseases? Medical experts have discovered the secret, and its available everywhere — and without a prescription! Moreover, it’s extremely affordable! What is the secret? (Photo © Sebastian Duda –

Stewarding One’s Self
A recent study of United Methodist pastors in North Carolina confirms a disturbing fact: clergy are good at caring for others but not good at caring for themselves. Rates of obesity, depression, and several other chronic conditions are significantly higher for members of the clergy. Click here to read more. (Photo by One From RM […]