
Zacchaeus, Patron Saint for Stewards
When Zacchaeus encountered Jesus, he did not promise to read scripture more faithfully nor to attend the synagogue more regularly. On this occasion he was not pledging his time or his talent to the programmatic mission of the faith community. Worthy as those are — and necessary for the life of the people of God — this visit was about something else.

Our Charge: To Do God’s Work
By Lt. Col. David Penman
Any statement on stewardship must be kept in the context of who and whose we are. We are charged with taking care of things until Jesus comes again. But this is certainly not a passive supervision of God’s creation. We are all charged with doing his work.

What Does this Mean, this whole Pentecost Thing?
Lectionary Reflection for May 23
Ask your average mainline Christian what Pentecost is all about, and you’re likely to hear everything from “I don’t know” to “We all wear red.” Worship leaders, preachers, and Christian educators should give careful thought to this important day.

There Goes the Neighborhood!
Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year C
Jesus promised that “we will come and make our home with them.” When God moves into the neighborhood things are bound to change. That means it’s time to meet the neighbors and build some community.

Are You an Undercover Lover?
It’s easy to be a concealed Christian, an undercover lover, loving in ways that are comfortable for you and for me. It’s easy to sing the old hymn “I love to tell the Story†when everyone else knows the story and lukewarm is the temperature of the day. Jesus asks—no commands—more of his disciples.

Make Mine Plain, Please
Oh my! How we long for everything in life to be made plain to us. Not very many people I know actually enjoy living in the tension of ambiguity and the unknown or unseen. Most folks prefer a world of clear blacks and whites to mottled grays and muddy waters. Unfortunately, we often like our theology like that, too

So Tell Me, Do You Love Jesus?
In this week’s assigned Gospel reading, Jesus asked Peter three times if Peter loved him. Jesus’s responses to Peter’s affirmations tell a lot about the path of discipleship Jesus asks us to walk.

Free Will? What Free Will?
This Lent has taught me that Martin Luther was correct: We have no free will. Our wills are thoroughly corrupted by sin and our selfish desires. I had given up sweets for Lent, but then someone gave me homemade candy. Free will? Not a chance!
The Liturgy of Abundance, the Myth of Scarcity
One of Christian theology’s most prophetic voices offers a challenging biblical analysis of the role of money in our culture. Wealth in America, Brueggemann says, acts as a narcotic, numbing us. “The great contradiction is that we have more and more money and less and less generosity — less and less public money for the needy, less charity for the neighbor.” (Photo: Prisoner 5413, Creative Commons)