
Bridging the Generation Giving Gap
You can engage both young and senior givers in your congregation. Check out these ideas on how to nurture a both-and climate for generosity in your context. (Photo: © Chariclo –

Tools for Engagement
Looking for ways to better engage your congregation on Sunday morning? Check out these six simple suggestions, and choose even one to get started. (Photo: Brayden McLean, Creative Commons)

How about a Stewardship Pastor?
There are pastors for administration, family and youth ministry, visitation, and outreach. Maybe it’s time to add stewardship pastors to the mix. Check out this article by William Vanderbloeme. You’ll even find a link to a job description. (Photo: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Creative Commons)

Download the 2013 Congregational Impact Study
Download and share the 2013 Congregational Impact Study from the Indiana University School of Philanthropy in partnership with the Lake Institute on Faith and Giving. You’ll find much of interest about congregational giving trends and more.

Scholastic Year vs. Calendar Year Stewardship
Check out this article from Luther Seminary’s Center for Stewardship Leaders weekly newsletter! Pastor Paul Ziese talks about how his congregation made the switch and experienced strong results. (Photo: William Warby, Creative Commons)

How Giving Turned This Church Around
Jon Weese was challenged to turn a struggling church around and he did so by challenging people to look outside the doors rather than inward toward themselves. He practiced radical giving of self, time, and resources and expected the congregation to do the same. Read this article published in Relevant Magazine to learn more. (Photo: […]

Dealing with Christmas Debt Hangover
Church attendance goes up in January but giving goes down as people begin to pay off the Christmas spending. The Rocket Company offers four ideas for how to help parishioners avoid debt hangover in the future and become better stewards. (Photo: Mike Kline, Creative Commons)

A Day for Hope and Rejoicing?
All Saints Sunday, Year A, November 2, 2014
All Saints Sunday is truly a day where the church can shout “Amen,†live in abundant hope, and rejoice prodigally. Such rejoicing is an act of defiance in the face of the powers of death and darkness and an affirmation of our Lord’s promises and teachings. (Photo: Beatrice Murch, Creative Commons)

The Days are Surely Coming
Reformation Day Lectionary Reflection, October 26, 2014
If nothing else, this Sunday should be a day to be unbound from fear of the future and to celebrate freedom in Christ and God’s steadfastness across the ages. Remembering can give us fuel and freedom to face the future. (Photo: Col Ford, Creative Commons)

Host a Cool Climate Potluck in your Congregation
Here’s a wonderful toolkit from Interfaith Power and Light designed to help you start or continue a conversation about healthy food choices, environmental stewardship, and climate. The kit provides all you need to host your own event. (Photo: gina pina, Creative Commons)