
How to Prevent an Identity Crisis

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, Year A, August 24, 2014
Want to know how to prevent an identity crisis? Take a cue from Peter in this week’s gospel lesson. This lesson applies to 21st century followers of Jesus, too! (Photo: David Goehring, Creative Commons)

Jesus > Chaos + Fear + Doubt

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost Year A, August 10, 2014
Going through chaos into unknown and/or hostile territory makes for some fine drama, unless of course you are the one who is experiencing it. In this week’s gospel reading, Jesus sends the disciples into life’s storms, and they fail to recognize him. How might we be like those early followers? (Photo: Binny V A, Creative Commons)

What! No More Pledge Cards?

Ever wonder what might happen if your stewardship team or committee decided to ditch the annual pledge cards? Check out this short drama written by the Rev. E. Angela Emerson, Minister of Stewardship Development, The Episcopal Diocese of Vermont. (Photo: Richard Rutter, Creative Commons)

The Soul Whisperer

Lectionary Reflection for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost Year A, June 6, 2014
Can you hear the whisper of Jesus calling you to wholeness, to healing, to a new way of being? In the wearying wake of the world’s vain promises and competing claims, Jesus offers fresh hope, a light load, and real rest. These are words so many of us need to hear afresh. How will you share this good news? (Photo: wild, Creative Commons)

It’s Not too Late to Rethink Stewardship!

Register now for Luther Seminary’s Rethinking Stewardship 2014 Conference, July 28-30, on the campus of Luther Seminary. The focus for this year’s event is year-round stewardship, and you’ll leave with plenty of practical ideas to put to use in your congregation. Check the link for more information and to register.

Seeing Red: Word, Wind, and Fire

Lectionary Reflection for the Day of Pentecost, Year A June 8, 2014 When the day of Pentecost had come they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Acts 2:1-2 Go ahead! […]

Environmental Churches

Check out this short National Geographic Video about Environmental Churches. These congregations are examples of those taking substantial steps to evaluate and reduce their consumption of energy and resources. (Photo: upyernos, Creative Commons)

Jesus in Pieces?

Lectionary Reflection for the Third Sunday after Epiphany, Year A
January 26, 2014
Leading and serving the people of God can be tough sledding; just ask Paul. This week’s gospel and epistle lessons offer important words for leaders AND for the people they lead. Blessings on the work you do and on the communities you serve! (Photo: Steve Snodgrass)

Expecting the Unexpected

Lectionary Reflection, First Sunday of Advent, Year A December 1, 2013 Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour. — Matthew 24:44 What do you expect of this season? What does Advent mean to you? Is it a time of waiting and watching for glimpses of […]

Faith Aflame

Kindle a Stewardship Flame in Your Church

Check out Faith Aflame from the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a free comprehensive offering with a broad assortment of downloadable resources for congregational leaders.   Click here or above to explore the Faith Aflame site.

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