
Family Matters

Lectionary Reflection for Name of Jesus
January 1, 2012
Family matters both within and outside of the church. This Sunday provides an opportunity to explore our family of faith and what it means both individually and as the body of Christ gathered in a particular place and context. (Photo by Children’s Book Review used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

God Bless the Child

First Sunday of Christmas Lectionary Reflection
January 1, 2012
Today is the perfect opportunity to honor the gift of God’s son, the Word made flesh, and the children and families in the worshiping community. (Photo by “clairity” used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Congregational Discernment and Stewardship

The spiritual practice of discernment may be a useful tool for congregations when it comes to matters of stewardship of money. Check out this article by spiritual director Teresa Blythe on the Patheos website. (Photo by hickory hardscrabble used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

In the Company of Saints

Lectionary Reflection for All Saints Sunday
November 6, 2011

Beloved Children of God, rejoice and be glad! When we gather at God’s table, when we share God’s love, and when we are God’s hands and feet in the world, we are in the company of saints. (Photo by Klearchos Kapoutsis used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

No power for worship?

‘It’s Personal’ Blog
When Hurricane Irene knocked out power on a Sunday morning we had to cancel worship. But is the electric company the real source of our power for worship? Of course not, but many churches hold services even though they seem “off the grid” of the Holy Spirit. (Rob Blezard photo.)

Messy Moments in Ministry

Lectionary Reflection (12th Sunday after Pentecost, September 4, 2011)
Ministry is messy; there is no way to be intimately involved in the work of God without getting dirt under our fingernails and confronting the debris of broken lives and dreams. Do we dare to be real, or do we wear the masks of who we “think” we ought to be? Photo by Eli Duke used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!

Go, Church!

Pentecost, Year A, June 12, 2011
Does Pentecost rank in its proper place among the “big three” Christian festivals in your context? If not, maybe it’s time to rethink the approach to this important day. (Photo by andycoan used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Can Stewardship be More Inviting?

Because Americans are comfortable keeping faith and money separate, whenever we start a conversation about stewardship by talking about money or financial need, we immediately arouse hostility. All stewardship talk which begins with money starts at the wrong place. The place to begin meaningful stewardship conversation is with the concept of freedom. (Photo (c) 2006 Jgroup, via

Zacchaeus, Patron Saint for Stewards

When Zacchaeus encountered Jesus, he did not promise to read scripture more faithfully nor to attend the synagogue more regularly. On this occasion he was not pledging his time or his talent to the programmatic mission of the faith community. Worthy as those are — and necessary for the life of the people of God — this visit was about something else.

Five Principles of Stewardship in the Congregation

The stewardship of the gospel begins where we are. It is within and outside the congregation that we share the responsibility and accountability with other stewards of the gospel. And it needs to be said as forcibly as possible that what we do is as important as what we say. Someone has wisely observed that “It is not enough to talk the talk, unless we also walk the walk.” (Photo by Sultry used under a Creative Commons License. Thanks!)