Stewardship University
Here is a nice assortment of stewardship materials to equip and educate your congregation for a pledge campaign. It includes sample documents, PowerPoint Presentations and promotional materials. From the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona. (Photo by JOnBon, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)
Pastor: Fund Raiser for Mission
To a present culture of materialism, selfishness, and consumerism, we are called to model in our own lives and teach others Christian financial stewardship. Each of us clergy and lay leaders can be trained in our discipling to not only make good stewards of our people, but also to talk the language of fund raising and do so with the conviction that it is an important part of our Christian ministry. (Photo by Fallonyates, used by Creative Commons license.)
Saint Who? Saint YOU!
All Saints Sunday reminds us of those Christians who have died in the faith, who have fought the good fight, and whose lives offer an example for us. Now look in the mirror and you’ll see a saint–and a sinner–dearly loved by God and made holy through Jesus Christ. Saint Who? Saint YOU!
‘Follow Your Heart’ Stewardship Program
Worried that “stewardship season” is fast approaching and you don’t know what to do? Here’s an annual appeal that Faith Lutheran Church, Fargo, ND, is sharing with everyone. Access everything from letters to members to brochures that you can customize for your own congregation. (Photo by HolgerE, used under Creative Commons license. Thanks!)
Problematic Preaching about Bigger Barns
Lectionary Reflection
August 1, 2010, 10th Sunday after Pentecost
How do we preach about the freedom in Christ that allows us to fling wide the barn doors and let go of our “stuff” and resources? This week’s text from Luke’s gospel offers a fine albeit problematic opportunity for the preacher who is willing to take some risks.
Minimalist VBS?
‘Just Living’ Blog
Does VBS have to be a costly, lavish production in order to share God’s love and pass on the faith? No way! Try a Minimalist’s VBS, and you will be pleasantly surprised.
A Minimalist Approach to Ministry?
Lectionary Reflection
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, July 4, 2010
Is Jesus advocating a minimalist approach to ministry in speaking to his followers in this week’s passage from Luke’s gospel? How does this apply to Christians today?
And be thankful!
By Clint Schroeder
And, if we are indeed thankful, then surely a manifestation of that gratitude will be a generous sharing of the love and blessings we have received from a gracious God.