
Expecting the Unexpected
Lectionary Reflection, First Sunday of Advent, Year A December 1, 2013 Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour. — Matthew 24:44 What do you expect of this season? What does Advent mean to you? Is it a time of waiting and watching for glimpses of […]

DIY Instead of BUY
The new d0-it-yourself movement is reminding us that we do have alternatives. In addition to being fun, thrifty, and personal, making things yourself is immensely rewarding. Check out this article from MNN with abundant links. You’ll find suggestions for gifts, bread, toys, cosmetics, household cleaners, and much more. (Photo: chatirygirl, Creative Commons)

Why Perseverance Matters
Lectionary Reflection for the 26th Sunday after Pentecost November 17, 2013 Brothers and sisters, do not be weary in doing what is right. 2 Thessalonians 3:13 Doing the right thing can be tough—tough to discern, tough to put into practice, and tough practice consistently. Staying the course and using critical thinking to discern the right […]

Simplicity: A Better Normal?
Some may say simplicity is becoming the new normal–the way we must live to ensure a future for those who will come after us and for our entire planet. Another way to look at simplicity is as a “better” normal, as a way to sustain health, well-being, and community. Click here to Read Duane Elgin’s […]

Enough is Enough
When is enough, well, enough? Rob Dietz and Dan O’Neill have some definite ideas and suggestions. Check out this essay adapted for the New Dream Blog from their book Enough is Enough. It squares well with scriptural guidance and would make a good basis for topical study. (Photo: jakerome, Creative Commons)

Creative Recycling
Check out this article from Mother Nature Network! It shows you how to recycle everything from crayons to Crocs and a whole lot more. (Photo: jjsink, Creative Commons)

Really, Jesus?
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, September 8, 2013
Surely Jesus is kidding, right? What’s all this talk about hating family, carrying crosses, and giving up possessions? Discipleship can’t be that hard, can it? Maybe it’s time we stopped skirting the issue and started living with the questions. (Photo: Tsahi Levent-Levi, Creative Commons)

Three Simple Actions: Modeling Stewardship for ‘Tweens
Chris McKenna, Director of Middle School Ministry at Cornerstone United Methodist Church in Caledonia, Michigan, shares three simple actions to help ‘tweens become better stewards of God’s gifts. (Photo: Jose Kevo, Creative Commons)

So It Is
11th Sunday after Pentecost, August 4, 2013
Instead of preaching about greed, how about lifting the abundant life of interdependence and joy that Jesus teaches? Turn this lesson around and celebrate living life with focus, clarity, and purpose–in the moment–with God at the heart of everything. (Photo: Lori Bee, Creative Commons)