
Streamline your Life with Good Stewardship Habits

Good stewardship habits are good for both your life and your wallet, according to Consumer Psychologist Kit Yarrow, who includes sharing, gratitude, and contentment among her twelve tips to streamline one’s life and budget. Dr. Yarrow’s suggestions are particularly timely for this season of Advent when we are bombarded with messages to overspend and overbuy. (Photo: Rubbermaid Products, Creative Commons)

The Connection Between Money and Happiness

Lectionary Reflection, 18th Sunday after Pentecost, September 26, 2010

Does money equate to happiness? According to the results of the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, the answer is yes…to a point. The Christian, however, may want approach this equation from a somewhat different perspective. (Photo by Aart van Bezooyen used under a Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

  • September 23
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