
Earth Sunday Resources for Worship & Education

Earth Day, April 22, falls on a Tuesday this year, so why not plan an Earth Sunday — or Creation Sunday — on April 20 or April 27? You can make it a celebration of the natural environment in worship, and a special teaching opportunity for your Sunday school. Here are some places to get ideas and resources. (NASA photo: Public domain)

Plan a ‘Creation Sunday’ Celebration

This April 22 marks the 45th anniversary of Earth Day. Why not celebrate the occasion with a special Earth Sunday or Creation Sunday worship on the April 19 or April 26? You can make it a celebration of the natural environment, or possibly a blessing of the seeds, farms, orchards, gardens and fields. Why not preach on how we must take better care of God’s good earth. Here are some places to get ideas and resources.

We’re trashing ourselves!

“Americans generate more trash than anyone else on the planet: more than 7 pounds per person each day. And most landfill trash is made up of containers and packaging — almost all of which should be recycled.” Read more and listen to the Fresh Air interview with Edward Hume, author of Garbology.

Who Founded Earth Day?

Many people have no clue who first conceived of Earth Day or that he was a person of deep faith who spent a life sharing the message “peace, justice, and the care of the earth.” Click here to read John A. Murdock’s article entitled “Earth Day’s Forgotten Founder” published in the Spring 2012 issue of […]

Rogation: Celebration of seedtime

Rogation is the Eastertide celebration of the fields and orchards during planting time. Why not use it as a way to honor the earth at Springtime? It’s traditionally held the sixth week of Easter, but anytime’s appropriate to honor the processes of life. Here is a Rogation Service you can adapt for your own context: […]

Stewardship as a Human Vocation

In this essay, Douglas John Hall explores stewardship of creation by asking the age-old question, “What are human beings for.” He rejects the pessimism of those who say the crisis is beyond hope, and instead he finds hope in Christ. (Photo by aussiegall, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)

Living Stones

Lectionary Reflection: April 14, 2008
Our columnist is now a quarter way through her year of buying nothing new, and she keeps receiving new awarenesses.