
Trashy Stewardship
How much trash do you take out every week? One bag? Two bags? More? Your garbage serves as a pretty good indicator of your stewardship. Trash shows both how much you consume and how much you recycle — or fail to recycle! Can you do better? Sure! Here are some tips. (Photo © Olga Lyubkin –

We’re trashing ourselves!
“Americans generate more trash than anyone else on the planet: more than 7 pounds per person each day. And most landfill trash is made up of containers and packaging — almost all of which should be recycled.” Read more and listen to the Fresh Air interview with Edward Hume, author of Garbology.

Environmental Awareness for Confirmands
One aspect of the Christian life that often gets little attention in most Lutheran confirmation programs is environmental stewardship. Following is a six-session program that concentrates on how each individual person interacts with his or her surrounding environment. The program has three basic goals; an awareness of how many resources it takes for each of us to live, an awareness of the amounts and kinds of waste each of us generates, and an awareness of our human and Christian responsibility to steward the use of God’s creation.

Rogation: Celebration of seedtime
Rogation is the Eastertide celebration of the fields and orchards during planting time. Why not use it as a way to honor the earth at Springtime? It’s traditionally held the sixth week of Easter, but anytime’s appropriate to honor the processes of life. Here is a Rogation Service you can adapt for your own context: […]

The Church’s Call to Environmental Stewardship
Many people throughout the church are concerned about ecological issues. The health and well-being of our planet affects everyone. What does the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the ministry of his church, have to offer a world concerned about its natural environment? (NASA photo taken by astronauts on the Apollo 11 mission to the moon.)