
Use a Weekly ‘Generosity Verse’

Here’s a good idea from Brian Kluth – find a way to lift up every week one Bible verse that deals with generosity or stewardship. His website gives suggestions how, as well as some Scripture verses to highlight. (Photo © Alfredo Müller –

Stewardship Bible Studies

Teach your congregation about stewardship with this wonderful collection of Bible studies from the Evangelical Covenant Church. The eight lessons, complete with leaders’ guides, will equip your educator to explore a good range of stewardship issues with your members. ( Photo © duncanandison –

The Hows and Whys of Money Leadership

Here’s a free, seven-part curriculum for leaders who want to plumb the depths of their congregation’s financial soul.

A Gift of God

Here’s a complete four session stewardship curriculum for children in grades one through three produced by the Greek Orthodox Church. The 18 page downloadable PDF document provides teacher resources, handouts for children, and a craft idea. (Photo © Jose Manuel Gelpi –

Hunger & Obesity…Two Sides of the Same Problem

Here’s a fine TEDxEast talk by Ellen Gustafson, co-founder of FEED and The Thirty Project. Gustafson’s words bring challenges and much to ponder for all who desire to be good stewards of resources and self. (Photo by erix!. Thanks!)

Scientific and Spiritual Dimensions of Climiate Change

Here is a handy study course consisting of nine sessions of two hours each that explores the challenges of climate change from scientific and spiritual dimensions. Leaders will find everything they need to plan and run the course. Written from a Baha’i faith standpoint, the materials are readily adaptable for other contexts. (NASA Photo, public domain)

Teaching Children to Live Sustainably

Here’s a short, useful blog post from Sustainable Personal Finance that offers four tips for teaching children to live more sustainable lives. These four tips can be applied at home, in school, or through congregational and Christian Education activities. (Photo by icecairo. Thanks!)

Let there be…Stuff?

Here’s a six-session faith-based curriculum that helps Christian teenagers explore the relationship between their consumption, their faith, and the health of the planet. It’s a creation of The Story of Stuff Project and GreenFaith and includes a slideshow and plenty of interactive components. Best of all…it’s free to use! (Image Courtesy The Story of Stuff […]

Looking for New Stewardship Resources?

Check out the educational offerings from Everence, a ministy of the Mennonite Church USA. You’ll find free downloadable curricula for adults, church leaders, youth, and even a Spanish language resource. There’s also a list of recommended books, calculators, and personal finance information, too. (Photo by opensourceway used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

  • September 11
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The Scary Math of Climate Change

Here’s a detailed article by Bill McKibben published in the latest issue of Rolling Stone magazine that explains the chilling math of climate change. Regardless of where you stand on the issue, McKibben’s thoughtful analysis is a must-read for anyone who cares about the stewardship of creation. Click here to access the article. (Photo by […]