
Try-a-Tithe Sunday
If you’re introducing the concept of tithing to your congregation, invite them to take the plunge just for a week — or for one week a month. This handy guide will explain not only how to plan a “Try-a-Tithe Sunday,” but the biblical foundation of tithing. From ELCA Stewardship Resources. (Photo © thitimontoyai22 –

Hold a Letter-Writing Workshop
There’s a real art to writing an effective stewardship letter, and most people are not trained in it. This workshop outline from ELCA Stewardship Resources will help your team to craft letters that will help give you the results you want.

The Depth and Breadth of Stewardship
The breadth and depth of stewardship theology leads us to appeal to one another to discover lives of meaning and purpose, stewardship lives. This happens as we engage in worship of God and as we honor God’s plan; as we gather to encourage and support one another in a living organism, the Body of Christ; as we make a difference in the world through service to people and care of creation; and as we teach behaviors that free us from bondage to money. [Check out this powerful 17-page essay from ELCA Stewardship Resources.] (Photo by the US Bureau of Land Management, used by Creative Commons license)