
Seminary Garden Feeds Body, Mind, & Spirit
Asbury Theological Seminary’s community garden is doing much more than feeding students. It’s become an important educational tool that includes a prayer garden, fire pit, preaching amphitheater, and nature path. (Photo:

An App to Share Leftovers?
Want to be an even better steward of those church potlucks and coffee hours where there’s way too much food? There’s an app for that. Now you can use your mobile device to help prevent waste and reduce hunger in your community. (Photo: Ginny, Creative Commons)

Catholics, the Environment and Our Culture of Waste
Pope Francis has generated headlines with his outspoken comments on the dangers of consumerism and threats to our environment, but his thoughts follow other Pontiffs who have raised concerns, says this insightful article from the Catholic World Report.  (Photo © Keller,

Plastic Purge
Want to know more about plastics, their effects on humans and the environment, and how to recycle them properly? Here’s a comprehensive article from UTNE Reader by Plastic Purge author Michael SanClements. You’re almost there. Click the title to be redirected. (Photo: Katherine Davis, Creative Commons)

Table Grace for Environmental Stewards
From Cool Harvest, a program of Interfaith Power and Light, comes a handy downloadable PDF booklet entitled “Thanking God with Integrity: Volume II Table Grace in a World Struggling with Climate Change.” No matter your stance on this issue, you’ll find this booklet well worth reading and sharing. (Photo: Shannon Patrick 17, Creative Commons)

Environmental Churches
Check out this short National Geographic Video about Environmental Churches. These congregations are examples of those taking substantial steps to evaluate and reduce their consumption of energy and resources. (Photo: upyernos, Creative Commons)

EPA – Facts on Climate Change
Climate change has become a polarizing issue in our country. But the Environmental Protection Agency has some impartial, non-alarmist, authoritative, commonsense information about the science of climate change — and what we can do about it! (Photo © Dmitry Rukhlenko –

Going Green at the Office…
…includes the church office, too! Here’s a handy infographic that makes offers easy ways to make your church or faith-based non-profit a little greener. (Photo by © kromkrathog –

Chilling Weather, Indeed
You can call me the Weather Grinch if you like, or maybe the Scrooge of Climate. But I find it hard to face so many people positively gleeful because the temperature in February has soared into the 50s, or even 60s. (Photo © Jan Will –