
On Sacrificial Giving
The motive of our giving is not to meet the church’s needs, but to meet our own personal need to respond to God’s overwhelming generosity to us by becoming givers ourselves.The Bible uses a word, often misunderstood, to help us see this more clearly. The word is sacrifice. Good reading from the Episcopal Diocese of […]

So You’re the New Stewardship Chair!
You have agreed to lead the stewardship effort this year? Congratulations! If you’re wondering what to do now, here are some GREAT ideas on how to build your committee, recruiting people with the skills needed to bring your congregation the results it needs and deserves. Good advice for a stewardship newbie and veteran alike. (Photo […]

7 Truths About Stewardship Programs
No. 1: “The first place to look for money is in the heart, not the wallet.” This resource explains why, and then goes on to explain SIX more truths! It’s a great, handy resource from the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. (Photo by Varkle69, used by creative Commons license – Thanks!)