
Strategic Evangelism: 3 Effective Outreach Opportunities
All Christians have the obligation to share the gospel. It is, and should be, on the heart of every believer to look for opportunities to share. It does not mean, however, that you should not create special times within the body of your church for evangelism with some strategy. Here are three ideas from […]

Do You See Them? A New Paradigm of Family
Here’s the church. Here’s the steeple. Open the door and, wait . . . Where are all the people? Unfortunately, churches all across America are closing their doors. “Where are all the people?†The biggest factors are well known, but there is another reason, a hidden and almost secret reason, churches are not growing. That reason is congregations not being fully aware of the kinds of families living in their communities and surrounding their churches. (Article from Circuit Rider) (Photo © Cienpiesnf –

Kindle a Stewardship Flame in Your Church
Check out Faith Aflame from the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a free comprehensive offering with a broad assortment of downloadable resources for congregational leaders.  Click here or above to explore the Faith Aflame site.

That was Then; This is Now
5th Sunday in Easter, Year A, May 22, 2011
What would your life be like if you were not a Christian? Do you remember a time before your baptism? Communicating the difference between then and now, between what was, what is, and what could be is of paramount importance in sharing the faith. Photo by Goodnight London used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!

You, Me, and ‘Liquid E’
3rd Sunday in Lent, Year A, March 27, 2011
What do water and evangelism have in common? What does John have to teach us in his account of Jesus and the woman at the well? Not surprisingly, there is much we can take from this story and apply to our discipleship walk.

Look/See: A Simple Lesson in Evangelism
Evangelism does not have to be costly and complicated. In fact Jesus and John boil it down to two actions expressed by the words “look” and “see.”