
10 ‘New’ Traditions for a Holy Christmas
Our culture gives us a lot of holiday traditions around Christmas, but many of them do not bring us closer to God or the miracle of the incarnation. This writer, a pastor, suggests adopting “new traditions” that will help you and your family have a holy holiday. From Pastors. com. (Photo by Picsbyclive, used by […]

Do You See Them? A New Paradigm of Family
Here’s the church. Here’s the steeple. Open the door and, wait . . . Where are all the people? Unfortunately, churches all across America are closing their doors. “Where are all the people?†The biggest factors are well known, but there is another reason, a hidden and almost secret reason, churches are not growing. That reason is congregations not being fully aware of the kinds of families living in their communities and surrounding their churches. (Article from Circuit Rider) (Photo © Cienpiesnf –

One Big Hopeful Family
Second Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection
June 10, 2012
Jesus’ notion of family is a wide circle of inclusion. How is our Lord’s definition of family reflected in your community of faith? (Photo by dsearls used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Family Matters
Lectionary Reflection for Name of Jesus
January 1, 2012
Family matters both within and outside of the church. This Sunday provides an opportunity to explore our family of faith and what it means both individually and as the body of Christ gathered in a particular place and context. (Photo by Children’s Book Review used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

What to do with more time than money? Cultivate Relationships
‘Just Living’ Blog
Like gardens, relationships bloom when well-tended. When you have the gift of more time than money, be sure you put that time to good use cultivating valued relationships with family, friends, and community.