
Avoiding the Summer Giving Slump
True, summer is almost over, but now’s the time to begin working on avoiding a giving slump next summer. This short article from will give you some ideas. (Photo: stuart, Creative Commons)

11 Ways to Simplify your Finances
Good financial stewardship doesn’t have to be complicated. Check out these 11 ways to simplify your finances from author Bob Lotich of SeedTime. (Photo: Steven DePolo, Creative Commons)

Intro to Planned Giving Webinar
Wondering how to tackle even the basics of planned giving to ensure your congregation’s future ministry and mission? Check out this informative webinar from the Episcopal Church Foundation!

4 Ways Christians Can Be Better with Their Money
It’s  not rocket science, but Derek Olsen’s thoughts on such topics as spending and debt bear frequent repeating. After all, there’s always room for improvement! (Photo: Steven DePolo, Creative Commons)

Scholastic Year vs. Calendar Year Stewardship
Check out this article from Luther Seminary’s Center for Stewardship Leaders weekly newsletter! Pastor Paul Ziese talks about how his congregation made the switch and experienced strong results. (Photo: William Warby, Creative Commons)

Four Myths about Online Giving
Has your congregation embraced online giving as part of your overall stewardship plan? If not, here’s an article that may help you counter four popular myths. (Photo: Scott McLeod, Creative Commons)

Dealing with Christmas Debt Hangover
Church attendance goes up in January but giving goes down as people begin to pay off the Christmas spending. The Rocket Company offers four ideas for how to help parishioners avoid debt hangover in the future and become better stewards. (Photo: Mike Kline, Creative Commons)

Model Church Financial Policy
Does your congregation have an updated financial policy? If not, here’s a good place to start. LifeWay and Keith Hamilton provide a downloadable 2-page model policy that you can use or build on. (Photo: Ken Teegardin, Creative Commons)

10 Things You Should Know About Online Giving
Wanting to get started with online giving in your congregation? Be sure to download and read this handy guide from serviceU. It offers 10 considerations plus five books all pastors should read. Click the title to be redirected to the free PDF. (Photo: Creative Commons)

Church Finances: Three Questions
When it comes to financial administration, churches generally struggle with the same few issues, over and over again. They play out in different ways, but they concern compensation, reimbursements, and restricted giving practices. (Photo (c) Monkey Business, via Fotolia)