
Why God Doesn’t Do Division
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, June 12, 2016
The good news this week is that God doesn’t do division. It’s just not in the Creator’s wheelhouse. Jesus, the Word made flesh, is all about addition and erasing the lines of division between “us†and “them.†These are words we sorely need to hear and live. (Photo: Chad Kainz, Creative Commons))

Big Love
Lectionary Reflection for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (Lectionary 11)
June 16, 2013
This week’s gospel lesson about the woman who washes Jesus’ feet with her tears raises a good question. Can we allow ourselves to be broken in order to be healed, to believe that in our pouring out we will be gathered into the Body of Christ and by our faith be set free? (Photo: © rolffimages –