
10 Ways to Cast a Generosity Vision in your Church
Dr. Chuck Lawless  believes people need “a vision…a challenge…a purpose” in order to give generously, and he offers 10 ideas to jump-start the process. Are you ready? (Photo: Kate Ter Haar, Creative Commons)

We Can Afford to be Generous
“Generosity is a form of trust,” says pastor and author Brian Zahnd. “This is why Jesus constantly tells us not to worry about scarcity, but to trust in God. We are not limited to a finite, zero-based, closed-system universe.” Check out this compelling reflection–especially in light of the gospel lesson for this coming Sunday (9th Sunday after Pentecost, Year B). Photo: Erik Fitzpatrick, Creative Commons

What’s the Cost of Radical Generosity?
According to writer/editor Tim Challies, there is indeed a substantial cost when it comes to radical generosity, but it’s definitely worth it. (Photo: Stewardship-Transforming Generosity, Creative Commons)

Show Generosity to the Poor
As God convicted my heart and I began to read Scripture with fresh eyes, whole sections of the Bible came alive for me. In particular, God’s concern for orphans struck a chord, says Chip Ingram in a blog post on (Photo by Alan Light, used by Creative Commons license)

How Giving Turned This Church Around
Jon Weese was challenged to turn a struggling church around and he did so by challenging people to look outside the doors rather than inward toward themselves. He practiced radical giving of self, time, and resources and expected the congregation to do the same. Read this article published in Relevant Magazine to learn more. (Photo: […]

Usual Daily Wage
Narrative Lectionary Reflection for March 1, 2015
The parable of the workers in the vineyard is certainly applicable to 21st century disciples, too. Perhaps as individuals we can be sort of stingy with God’s grace—not to mention sharing our own resources. Do we really trust God so little that we fail to believe the divine promise of plenty? (Photo: Chris Potter, Creative Commons)

From Stewardship to Generosity
Robert Schanse, author of Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations, explains why its important to move your church culture towards generosity, and he offers a list of “dos” and “don’ts” that will guide your path. From Ministry Matters. (Photo © laurent hamels –

Church Giving in a Digital World
Be sure to read this article by Matt Morris. Online giving goes hand-in-hand with your worshiping community’s digital presence–something many folks feel is no longer an option. (Photo: © momius –

Four Myths about Online Giving
Has your congregation embraced online giving as part of your overall stewardship plan? If not, here’s an article that may help you counter four popular myths. (Photo: Scott McLeod, Creative Commons)

Church Gives $500 to Every Member
When Chicago’s struggling Lasalle Street Church received an unexpected windfall, it did the unexpected — giving every member $500 and asking them to use it for good. “It feels like a faith experiment more than a social experiment,” Pastor Laura Truax said. (Photo by Steven DePolo, used by Creative Commons license)