
Stewardship Lessons for Teens
Here are two free stewardship Bible studies for teens: “More than Enough” and “The Truth about Money” from the ecumenical website (Photo: 401 (K) 2013, Creative Commons)

For the Love of Money
Read this compelling New York Times op-ed by Sam Polk about how he learned that loving money isn’t the answer. Polk left Wall Street and founded a non-profit organization called Groceryships that helps hungry families buy healthy food and learn how to change their eating habits in the process. (Photo: Andrew Magill, Creative Commons)

The Lessons of Less
Mom and church leader Janet McMahon shares her story of learning to opt out of consumer culture and the surprising gifts that accompanied the lesson. Check out her story! (Photo:, Creative Commons)

Why our Brains Work Against Good Stewardship
Why, as human beings, do we tend toward consumerism and often fail to be good stewards of the resources we have on loan from God? Here’s an interesting article delving into some of the science behind the phenomenon. Click here to read the article. (Photo by Mitch Altman, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)

Giving to Combat Materialism
Check out Randy Alcorn’s 11 guidelines for giving. They’ll help combat materialism and provide solid stewardship guidance for God’s abundance. (Photo: Alexandre Dulaunoy, Creative Commons)

Expecting the Unexpected
Lectionary Reflection, First Sunday of Advent, Year A December 1, 2013 Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour. — Matthew 24:44 What do you expect of this season? What does Advent mean to you? Is it a time of waiting and watching for glimpses of […]

Why Perseverance Matters
Lectionary Reflection for the 26th Sunday after Pentecost November 17, 2013 Brothers and sisters, do not be weary in doing what is right. 2 Thessalonians 3:13 Doing the right thing can be tough—tough to discern, tough to put into practice, and tough practice consistently. Staying the course and using critical thinking to discern the right […]

Enough is Enough
When is enough, well, enough? Rob Dietz and Dan O’Neill have some definite ideas and suggestions. Check out this essay adapted for the New Dream Blog from their book Enough is Enough. It squares well with scriptural guidance and would make a good basis for topical study. (Photo: jakerome, Creative Commons)

First (and always)–Give Thanks
Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, Year C
October 13, 2013
One of the greatest gifts we can give to each other in Christian community is that of helping one another cultivate a spirit of gratitude. If we do this, the glad hearts and generous spirits will follow. Saying “Thank you, Jesus” is enough, but it’s only the beginning.

Spiritual Vitality and Stewardship
Check out the September 2013 issue of the Episcopal Church Foundation’s Vital Practices Vestry Papers “Wholehearted Stewardship.” Be sure to read Fr. Bill Nesbit’s article “Spiritual Vitality.”