
Give Away Your Money, Feel Happier?
Having pots of money doesn’t necessarily make you happy, study after study has found. But giving away money — even if you’re not rich — is likely to make you feel wealthier, and thus happier, new research contends. (Photo by OpenSourceWay, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)

Three Simple Actions: Modeling Stewardship for ‘Tweens
Chris McKenna, Director of Middle School Ministry at Cornerstone United Methodist Church in Caledonia, Michigan, shares three simple actions to help ‘tweens become better stewards of God’s gifts. (Photo: Jose Kevo, Creative Commons)

Pious Materialism: How Americans View Faith and Money
Robert Wuthnow, Andlinger Professor of Sociology and Director of the Center for the Study of Religion at Princeton University, wrote this article for The Christian Century a decade ago, but his observations and critique of the failure of American churches and synagogues to address issues of faith and money in a substantive and effective way […]

So It Is
11th Sunday after Pentecost, August 4, 2013
Instead of preaching about greed, how about lifting the abundant life of interdependence and joy that Jesus teaches? Turn this lesson around and celebrate living life with focus, clarity, and purpose–in the moment–with God at the heart of everything. (Photo: Lori Bee, Creative Commons)

“Created to Give, Tempted to Keep”
Adam Hamilton, pastor and author, reflects on how we are hardwired by God to be generous but fall prey to the voices of fear and self-gratification. Click here for more. Click here to learn about Hamilton’s book Enough. (Photo: Liz West, Creative Commons)

‘Conversation Starter’ on Gratitude and Generosity
Our friends at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada have come up with a handy discussion guide on gratitude and generosity. It includes scripture and questions to get your workshop, seminar or study group headed in the right direction. (Photo © laurent hamels –

Use a Weekly ‘Generosity Verse’
Here’s a good idea from Brian Kluth – find a way to lift up every week one Bible verse that deals with generosity or stewardship. His website gives suggestions how, as well as some Scripture verses to highlight. (Photo © Alfredo Müller –

Teaching Children to be Generous
Here’s an article from the Wall Street Journal that offers good tips for parents in any income bracket who want help their children become generous stewards of time, talent, and resources. (Photo: © Jaren Wicklund –

Four Things You Need to Know about Young Donors
A recent study by the Johnson Center for Philanthropy at Grand Valley State University shows that young donors are much more likely to give to causes than institutions and are less favorably inclined to support religious groups. This is not all bad news according to Nathan Kirkpatrick of Duke Divinity School, who cites four trends […]