
Fifth Sunday in Lent, Year C, March 17, 2013
Mary and Judas have a thing or two to teach us about stewardship and trusting in God’s good provision. Which character do you relate to in this strange, short story? (Photo by Wonderlane. Thanks!)

A Gracious Plenty
Lectionary Reflection for the Fourth Sunday in Lent, March 10, 2013
There’s grace aplenty and a gracious plenty whenever God’s around. Why are we so miserly with all this abundance? This week’s lessons provide much food for thought. (Photo © Joshua Resnick –

Fear, Faith, & Where We Belong
Second Sunday in Lent Lectionary Reflection, February 24, 2013
We live in fearful and uncertain times. Yet we need not fear because as Paul reminds us, “Our citizenship is in heaven…” We live by faith. Maybe that’s a message folks need to hear today. (Photo by J. Aaron Farr. Thanks!)

Host a Final Affairs Fair
Check out how one St. Philip’s Cathedral (ECUSA) in Atlanta, educated its members about wills, planned gifts, and getting one’s final affairs in order–in a lighthearted and informative format. Click here to learn more. (Photo by Ken_Mayer. Thanks!)

The Generosity Paradox
Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson have spent the past three years leading a study at the University of Notre Dame entitled “The Science of Generosity Initiative.” Click here to read their findings about the paradoxical benefits of generosity and the sociological science behind them. (Photo: Jason Empey. Thanks!)

Resources for Talking about Money
The Rocket Company offers several free stewardship and preaching resources for pastors including webinars and downloadable documents. Click here to access them. Click here to access their free e-book 39 Things Pastors Need to Know about Money. Photo by Robert Huffstutter. Thanks!

The Science Behind Giving
Yes, there really is something to encouraging prayer before committing one’s pledge or gift to ministry. Philanthropic Psychologist Jen Shang (Center for Philanthropy at Indiana University) offers some insight into the “how” and “why” of donor decisions to give in this New York Times interview. Click here to read more. (Photo by Lel4nd. Thanks!)

Tithing with Justice
Here’s a thoughtful article by Chris Haw about the biblical practice of tithing and its relationship to justice. Posted on the Two Cents blog, you are invited to join the conversation. (Photo by SAiM)

The Gratitude Attitude
Lectionary Reflection, 16th Sunday after Pentecost, Year B
September 16, 2012
This week’s psalm offers the perfect opportunity to talk about living with an attitude of gratitude–a necessary precursor to effective stewardship. (Photo by barbicane used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)