
The Positives of Pledging
By Clint Schroeder In my 30-plus years of being involved in stewardship programming across the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean, I have heard a lot of comments about pledging. Many were negative. Let me proclaim the positives of pledging: Pledging is spiritual Pledging is discipline Pledging is practical Giving the first fruits […]

Testimony of a Tither
I have tithed for many decades, and it has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. Although there were always places that the money could go, I never felt that I did not have enough for me and my family. I also felt the need to tell others of my tithing experience. Why am I a tither?

Stewardship of People
Institutional loyalty is admirable and deserves development and encouragement. But it can easily rate ahead of a loyalty and concern for fellow workers. The institution can swallow up the “risk†and “emotion†of people relationships. We can “hide†and “slip by†in the vast machinery of an institution.”

Problematic Preaching about Bigger Barns
Lectionary Reflection
August 1, 2010, 10th Sunday after Pentecost
How do we preach about the freedom in Christ that allows us to fling wide the barn doors and let go of our “stuff” and resources? This week’s text from Luke’s gospel offers a fine albeit problematic opportunity for the preacher who is willing to take some risks.

The Many Faces of Mercy
Lectionary Reflection for Sunday, June 6, 2010
Second Sunday after Pentecost Year C
How about taking a slightly different approach to this week’s texts? Consider as the key point that God does provide and mercy has a face–yours.

And be thankful!
By Clint Schroeder
And, if we are indeed thankful, then surely a manifestation of that gratitude will be a generous sharing of the love and blessings we have received from a gracious God.

Giving hilariously: No-nonsense stewardship
By the Rev. Dr. Ron Lavin
The biblical corrective for mediocrity is joyful generosity. Stewardship Sunday is challenge to stop having a Lutheran Lite faith, rise above mediocrity, and get involved as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. Rise above mediocrity, greed, selfishness, and fear.
Zacchaeus, Patron Saint for Stewards
When Zacchaeus encountered Jesus, he did not promise to read scripture more faithfully nor to attend the synagogue more regularly. On this occasion he was not pledging his time or his talent to the programmatic mission of the faith community. Worthy as those are — and necessary for the life of the people of God — this visit was about something else.