The Problem with Generosity
Lectionary Reflection, 16th Sunday After Pentecost, Year A.
Is a gift really a gift if it comes with strings attached, such as restrictions on how it can be used? Unfortunately, that’s the way many churches receive contributions in our North American context. Where does this come from, and how can we confront it? (Photo by Stewardship–Transforming Generosity, used by Creative Commons license)
Harvest Liturgy
Harvest time is in full swing in the many parts of the northern hemisphere. If you’re planning a Harvest Sunday, here’s an almost complete liturgy from the “parishLife” blog of Simon Rundell, rector and author. Be sure to check out his other work whilst you’re there. (Photo: Herry Lawford, Creative Commons)
Make a Gratitude Adjustment
The science is in, according to Psychology Today, and it shows that simple exercises in gratitude can boost your overall sense of joy and wellbeing. And this article tells you how. Imagine how you can incorporate them into your devotional life! (Photo © laurent hamels –
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A
How are we respond to the creative word and redeeming purpose of God? The answer is a simple one. We, the created and beloved, are to praise God and offer our thanks. We are to use our humble gifts of human voice, word, and action in joyous and grateful response to God’s amazing “Word†of grace, love, and mercy. (Photo: John Morgan, Creative Commons)
Book Review: ‘Gratitude’ by Peter Leithart
Peter Leithart’s new book, titled simply Gratitude: An Intellectual History, takes a sweeping look at gift-giving from ancient to modern times, with particular emphasis on how Christ changed — and continues to influence — the culture and customs surround gifts. Review from (Photo by Tiger Girl, used by Creative Commons license)
Six Habits of Highly Grateful People
How grateful are you? Read Jeremy Adam Smith’s thoughtful article in the UTNE Reader and find out. (Photo: Evelyn Lim, Creative Commons)
Life in His Name
Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday of Easter, Year A
April 27, 2014
Instead of looking at this snapshot from John’s gospel as merely Thomas’ story of encountering the risen Christ, maybe we need to explore it from our Lord’s perspective of relationship, of reaching out and clothing us in his love and with his own name and identity. (Photo: Mark Morgan, Creative Commons)
Like a Broken Vessel
Palm/Passion Sunday, Year A
April 13, 2014
Along with suggestions for your Palm/Passion Sunday worship and ideas for youth and children, we bring a special message for all of you who serve and lead God’s people in worship. Thank you for all you do! (Photo: Ian Stannard, Creative Commons)
The Lessons of Less
Mom and church leader Janet McMahon shares her story of learning to opt out of consumer culture and the surprising gifts that accompanied the lesson. Check out her story! (Photo:, Creative Commons)
Research Shows Children Benefit from Gratitude
Gratitude does make a difference! Check out this recent article by Diana Kapp in The Wall Street Journal. (Photo: USAG-Humphreys, Creative Commons)