
Reconnecting to the Natural World
Richard Louv coined the term “nature deficit disorder” to explain the effects of being disconnected from the natural world. In his new book, Vitamin N, he offer 500 actions people can take to improve their quality of life and their communities. How can our congregations encourage more connection with creation? It’s good stewardship of creation […]

Can Fighting Poverty Make You Happy?
This was a question filmmaker Daniel Karslake asked after learning that a person dies every three seconds as a result of living in extreme poverty. The film he made as a result, Every Three Seconds, tells the story of five ordinary people who are making a real difference–and how everyone can do something. (Photo: Creativist Collective/Claire Evans, Creative Commons. Thanks!)

Habits of Gratitude
Jeremy Adam Smith of the Greater Good Science Center points to six traits grateful people habitually exhibit. While not specifically linked to stewardship and faith practice, these six traits are reflective of Christian teaching and discipleship practice. Read on for the full story! (Photo: angies, Creative Commons)