
8 Ideas for Nurturing Healing and Health
“God is a God of whole-life health. Christ expects his church to engage actively in reaching the lost and setting the oppressed free—free from the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual barriers that rob all God’s children of abundant life,” says Pr. Mike Slaughter in this insightful reflection. (Photo: Photo © Warren Goldswain, Fotolia)

Steward Your “Self” this Summer
Too often vacations are a source of stress when they should be good stewardship of our bodies and spirits. Dr. Christine Carter offers three simple steps to taking a real vacation that will renew and refresh. (Photo: 19melissa68, Creative Commons)

Regular Exercise is Good for Leaders
With so much going on in our churches and culture, pastors and other leaders face more stress and busyness than ever before, and statistics show that we’re less healthy than we used to be. Regular exercise can help, says this article from (Photo: Dr. Abdulla Nasar, Creative Commons)

Why Don’t Churches Talk about Health?
If stewardship of our health is so important, why aren’t we talking about it in our congregations? Maybe it’s time to rethink this aspect of stewardship in faith formation, preaching, and even the beloved church potluck dinner. (Photo: bowler1996p, Creative Commons)

Better Stewardship of Health Still Needed in U.S.
A recent study by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington found that Americans have made some progress in being better stewards of their health, but there is still much improvement needed. How can your faith community work for better health and stewardship of self? (Photo: Burger Austin, Creative […]

8 Reasons Leaders Need Solitude & 5 Doable Ways to Find It
In this week’s gospel lesson, Jesus hears everything his disciples have done and promptly invites them to “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest awhile” (Mark 6:30-31a). This is good advice that’s tough to take; in fact, it’s critical to our leadership, health, and spiritual and emotional well-being. Author and pastor Carey Nieuwhof has a few ideas to help. (Photo: Leland Francisco, Creative Commons)

Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating
We’ve all done it — we weigh ourselves in late December and discover we’ve gained more weight than we wanted. Through parties and special holiday meals, overeating is a temptation. On this page from WebMD you’ll find links to a number of articles on how to eat more healthfully this Christmas. (Photo by Kris Krug, […]

The Water Cure
Narrative Lectionary Reflection for November 2, 2014 (Year One)
What will it take, I wonder, for us to be pursuaded—as Naaman—to wash in the waters of baptism daily, to die to sin regularly, and to rise to newness of life clean and whole? Can we listen to the voices of the saints who have gone before us and who have lived lives of faith in specific times and contexts? Can we hear and live into the old, old story in a new time? (Photo: J>ro, Creative Commons)

Healthy Change in a Local Church
Wise leaders know that change in a congregation can be incredibly hard, requiring amazing amounts of time and energy. But they also know that constant change is necessary and worth the expense. Here are some principles for how to lead your congregation through healthy change. From (Photo by Phil Whitehouse, used by Creative Commons […]