
Love Spoken Here
Day of Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, May 27, 2012
What languages are spoken in your community of faith? Most importantly, is the language of love infused in every song, every sermon, every handshake and hug? Is love woven into the fibers of ministry and the mission of all disciples? Is love the last word in all you say and do in the name of Jesus? (Photo by Denise Krebs used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Holy Collision!
Lectionary Reflection for the Baptism of our Lord
January 8, 2012
Mark’s gospel propels us like carnival bumper cars into a holy collision of water, Word, and Spirit. Are you ready? This is no Sunday for “nicey-nice” tame imagery in the presence of the Creator who brought life from chaos and salvation from sin. (Photo by Paul Holloway used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

No power for worship?
‘It’s Personal’ Blog
When Hurricane Irene knocked out power on a Sunday morning we had to cancel worship. But is the electric company the real source of our power for worship? Of course not, but many churches hold services even though they seem “off the grid” of the Holy Spirit. (Rob Blezard photo.)