
Three Layers of Environmental Preaching
Pastors who may be reluctant to preach on environmental issues can take inspiration from this informative essay, which broadens the conventional notion that environmental preaching always means addressing controversial political issues. Good reading for pastors who want to lead their congregations in new directions, from Eco-Justice Ministries. (Photo © Nelos –

Preaching on Money
Walking into the pulpit to ask our congregation to give while assuming that people do not want to give is a bit like a young man beginning his proposal of marriage with the words “I know you’ll say no, but….â€Â Here are some tips that can help you to ask boldly, from MinistryMatters. (Photo by […]

Preaching on Money
Most pastors would rather preach on almost anything other than finances and stewardship. But as the preaching pastor, you are the chief development officer for your church. This is part of the job. From Ministry Matters. (Photo by Fallonyates, used by Creative Commons license)

105 Sermons on Stewardship and Tithing
Stuck on what to preach about stewardship this year? Here’s a trove of sermons to get your creative juices flowing. SermonCentral has archived 77 sermons from a variety of Christian churches and preachers. (Photo © Lisa F. Young –

Stewardship Bible Studies: Best of the Old Testament
Today’s sermon is a Bible study. You have brought your Bibles today and we are going to study them to see what the Bible has to say about stewardship. We are people of the Word. The Word is our spiritual guide for so many of our beliefs and values. We consistently look to the Word for guidance.

Simile Sunday: The Kingdom of Heaven is Like…
Lectionary Reflection for the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Put on your literary hat and dive right in the midst of five parables that enable us to see what the kingdom of heaven is like and how we are a part of it. Photo by odysseus-thevoyager used under Creative Commons License. Thanks.

Proclaiming stewardship: A guide for sermons and temple talks
By the Rev. Dr. Susan K. Hedahl
Before public proclamation, it is necessary to ask: Where have we been? As a congregation, what gifts do we already employ for ourselves and others? Where do we hope to be in the months, the years ahead? Which resources do we need to consider, expand, develop?

Proclaiming Stewardship: A Guide for Sermons and Temple Talks
Susan K. Hedahl, professor of homiletics, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, offers tips for sermons and temple talks. “Ask what the stewardship profile of your congregation is — Before public proclamation, it is necessary to ask: Where have we been? As a congregation, what gifts do we already employ for ourselves and others? Where do we hope to be in the months, the years ahead? Which resources do we need to consider, expand, develop?