
Clergy at Risk for Depression, Anxiety

Clergy are often relied upon to guide others through difficult times, but a new study has found that the very nature of their work could put them at greater risk of developing depression and anxiety themselves. From the Huffington Post. (Photo by Bottled Void, used by Creative Commons License)

Church Gives $500 to Every Member

When Chicago’s struggling Lasalle Street Church received an unexpected windfall, it did the unexpected — giving every member $500 and asking them to use it for good. “It feels like a faith experiment more than a social experiment,” Pastor Laura Truax said. (Photo by Steven DePolo, used by Creative Commons license)

SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge–Day 23

‘Just Living’ Blog
Today our blogger has a headache from thinking about the complicated system of which the SNAP Challenge is just a miniscule part. From Gulf oil spill to plastic mustard containers, nothing is as simple as it seems.