
Walk Wet and Share the Good News
Baptism of our Lord, Year A, January 8, 2017
This week’s gospel is a great springboard to remember and give thanks for your baptism, but don’t stop there! We have good news to share as we walk wet in this world. (Photo: Waiting for the Word, Creative Commons License)

In Case You Had Any Questions…
Narrative Lectionary Reflection for December 14, 2014 (Year One) Third Sunday of Advent
Sometimes we just need to lift our eyes, open our ears, and tear away those protective layers in which we wrap our hearts in order to hear a word of hope. Read this week’s lesson again. Read it out loud. Read it again and again until the words fill the broken and bruised parts of you. Fill yourself with he good news that God is God and is always doing something new. (Photo: Lau Lau Chan, Creative Commons)