
Treasure Hunt
Ash Wednesday Lectionary Nuggets, Year C, February 10, 2016
Here we go again! The 40 days of Lent are upon us and so, too, will be the ashen crosses on our forehead that mark this beginning. The lessons offer rich possibility for proclamation–everything from piety and spiritual practices to returning to God with broken and contrite hearts, to the cost of discipleship, and (of course) stewardship. (Photo:

Fasting God’s Way
Lectionary Reflection, 5th Sunday After Epiphany, Year A
February 9, 2014
What do the words of Jesus and the Prophet have to say to us about discipleship this week? Plenty! While the instructions are tough ones to hear and follow, we are not alone and we do not “fast” in vain. So, dear friends, let your lights shine and spread mercy, justice, and generosity liberally wherever you go. Read on for ideas with youth and children and for worship. (Photo: ralph repo, Creative Commons)